Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An Example Work Out

In addition to the core exercises below, here is an example of what I do in one of my sessions. I see this as a mixture of intervals and strength training as it really does get the blood pumping.

You will need:
1 x yoga matt
1 x pilates ball
2 x weights (5lb to 10lbs...I use 10lbs) OR a willing and happy baby!
(Optional 2lb weights for warm up)

I normally put on some really good thumping tunes for motivation. My workout album of the moment is The Freemasons. For the first 5 mins I use 2lb weights, one in each hand, and do a sort of boxercise warm up to the music. I am sure I look like a lunatic if anyone was watching but it warms up my shoulders and arms and legs. Far to hard to describe though! Just dance around like a looney and you will be warmed up.

(Or my version of skaters) Targets inner and outer thighs, bum
Stand at the left end of your yoga mat, feet together with right foot off the ground. Take a sideways leap with you right foot and swing your left arm and bend so your left arm touches the floor (think of a speed skater)and bring your left leg behind your right so they cross. Then leap back with your left leg and right arm touching the ground. (Does that make sense?) One leap is 1 rep. I do 20, then stop and do 20 more.

Targets shoulders arms thighs bum
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and a weight in each hand. Raise your arms so you are resting the weights on your shoulders and squat. As you come up from the squat and are back to standing raise both arms into the air. Lower your arms and as your hands are back on your shoulders squat. One squat and raise is 1 rep. Do 2 x 12 reps. (Instead of weights hold your baby in both hands and raise above your head. They love it!)

Targets shoulders, core and legs
Stand with feet together, hold a weight in both hands, lunge left leg forward and swing weight to the right. Return to starting position. Lunge right leg forward and swing weight left. One lunge is 1 rep. Do 2 x 12 reps. (Again, instead of weights you can hold and swing your baby, Callum laughs his head off when I do this!)

Targets Abs legs shoulders
I don't actually have a skipping rope as my ceiling is too low. I just go through the  motions with no rope, just the same!
Do a double footed skip for 60seconds, then lie on your back bring your left knee to your chest and the right leg our straigh but off the floor. Place your hands behind your head like a sit up and bring right elbow to left knee. Slowly cycle so your left elbow is now at your right knee. Left then right (BOTH LEGS) is 1 rep so do 12 of these. Then skip for 40seconds and cycle for 12 reps then skip for 30seconds and cycle for 12 reps.

Targets abs and bum
Stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Raise your arms so your fists are infront of your face as if you were going to punch someone. Kick out your left leg at waist level as high as you can and as straight as you can, leaning slightly back if you have to. Without returning your left foot to the floor kick out 12 times and then switch legs. Repeat so you end up doing 2 x 12 reps with each foot. To add in some legs and bum toning squat down before each kick. (squat kick squat kick...etc) I hold Callum while I do these for an added boost.

Targets arms and shoulders and core
Us girls all hate push ups but they really work! Take one dumbell, position yourself in a full push position with your left hand resting on the dumbell. Do a pushup and when you are back to the start position roll the weight across to your right hand, and then push down into a pushup. The weight gives you a deeper "push" on one side engaging your core and toning your arms. You may find this hard so do 2 x 6 reps and build up to 2 x 10 reps.

Targets core, arms and shoulders.
Position yourself in a full push-up position on the floor, arms extended and weight on hands and toes (you can have your legs straight out behind arms or together in the centre for a harder lift). Raise your left arm to the ceiling, turning your body to look up at your hand, then lower it back down to the ground. Do the same on the Right and alternate sides for 12 reps. Do this twice.

Targets your core and bum
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your pilates ball in both hands. Slowly squat down and turn your body to the left go to place the ball on the ground to your left and then raise (still holding ball) Then slowly repeat to the right. The key is SLOWLY. Do 2 x 10 reps. (one direction is one rep)

(some people call these squat thrusts) Targets arms legs and abs
Crouch on the floor with your hands and feet together, jump your feet back so you are  now in a pushup position, then jump your feet back in and stand and do a star jump.  That is 1 rep. I do 2 x 10 reps.

Cool off by stretching out your arms and legs and you are done! This should take you 30/40mins I think and should get your blood pumping. Do as much or as little as you like. I will post a slightly different workout soon. As always the key is to mix it up and don't do the same on 2 consecutive days. For example my week looks like this

Day 1: Run
Day 2: Strengthen and Tone
Day 3: Intervals (as above)
Day 4: Run
Day 5 Abs/Strengthen and Tone
Day 6: Intervals (optional day 6...see how you feel)
Day 7: Off

I think anything from 4 days a week is a great week.

Happy Blitzing!


  1. Just a wee post to say "Keep up the amazing work" and to check the comments were up and running now! I'm really impressed with the blog, workouts and nutrition advice. i'd let you be in my GCSE PE group if i was still teaching or if i was still running a gym, i'd sack everyone employ the Shieler as mega motivator!!!! Well done you ! You walk the walk..all hail the Shieler !!!!!! Fitz

  2. hahaha, you make me laugh! Thanks!!!! I am hoping "blitzing" will become a new post preg fitness phenomena. Looking at starting a class locally for mums....
