Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Example Meal Plan

Hi all you Blitzers. Today I am working on posting an example meal plan that I follow (don't worry, I don't diet, I just eat healthy) I am also going to post a 30 minute workout for you all.

On top of the meal plan, I drink a lot of water a day. Probably 2L a day on top of tea, coffee etc. I often accompany my dinner with a glass or 2 of wine or a bottle of beer. I am not a saint and this is not a diet. It is eating healthily and NOT denying yourself something you enjoy. The key is to include it in your daily calorie allowance. If you allow for things then nothing you eat becomes taboo and you are more likely to succeed. If you want to include a pudding then have it, but make sure it is in your calories for that day. GOOD LUCK!

Here are 3 examples for each meal and snack. This is what I eat and not from a magazine.


  1. 1 cup of cereal (today it was bite sized shredded wheat) with soy milk (not a huge fan of milk but you can have skimmed milk instead) or a bowl of porridge (1/3cup oats made with water) OR
  2. Wholewheat bagel with natural peanut butter and jam (1tsp PB on each half)
  3. 2 eggs scrambled or a 2 egg omelette.
  1. 1 mini-babybel light OR
  2. 1 rice cake with PB&J (1tsp PB) or marmite OR
  3. low fat yoghurt OR
  4. healthy granola/cereal bar
  1. 2 eggs scrambled with 1 cup arugula or spinach (if not had eggs for B/F) I sometimes do 1 egg and 1 eggwhite OR
  2. Half an avocado with a tin of tuna, olive oil and balsamic vinegar to dress and some salad OR
  3. 1 x wholewheat wrap with tuna and salad
  1. 1 mini-babybel light OR
  2. 1 rice cake with PB&J (1tsp PB) or marmite OR
  3. low fat yoghurt OR
  4. hard boiled egg
  1. stir-fried meat (prawns/chicken/pork) with loads of veggies and brown rice (1/4 uncooked brown rice) OR
  2. homemade pork burgers, cous cous and salad. (I use pork mince and make home made patties) OR
  3. Pasta ( I have pasta if I haven't had a lot of carbs through the day) with a homemade tomato marinara sauce or pesto with veggies and chicken OR
  4. Baked Potato with baked beans
  1. 1 mini-babybel light OR
  2. 1 rice cake with PB&J (1tsp PB) or marmite OR
  3. low fat yoghurt

One of the keys is having a balanced diet. I stick to 1,800 cals a day as I am breast feeding and I have more if I am working out but if you are not breast feeding then you can drop down to 1,400 cals a day based on your activity level. I use http://www.caloriecount.about.com to track what I eat and my exercise etc and it is a great tool to see how much you should be eating. Don't fill up your daily cals with carbs carbs carbs though. A third of your day should be carbs, a third proteins and the last third can be made up of the rest (veggies, fats, miscellaneous) Carbs bulk out our meals and help us feel full but proteins keep us going and stop the sugar crashes. I also keep hard boiled eggs handy in the fridge as they are a great snack to keep the hunger pangs at bay.

Exercise routine coming next....

Happy Blitzing!

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