Sunday, February 14, 2010


I seem to be apologising a lot recently! My wee man has not been well. He has had a virus this week coupled with teething and a cough = no sleep for me and a hard time working out! I have managed 2 runs, a bit of a walk and a workout so not all bad but all I want to do right now is curl up in bed and sleep for about 12 hours!

I will see how the stats go tomorrow though I swear I can see some belly definition from all the core work, C'MON!

Happy Blitzing!


  1. Great!! I read all of your posts, and I'm sooo glad I stumbled upon your blog!! I'm so motivated..I thought I would never be able to lose the weight that I gained!! I had an exactly similar situation to yours, when I got pregnant I went under "house arrest" as well :) and it all ended up with me gaining 30 kg with my little man being only 3 kg :D I was horrified by the look of my belly when I gave birth!!
    I started the change on the end of december, incorporated some cardio workouts on the elliptical machine 30-45 min daily, going up and down, now after I read your blog, I decided it;s time for some strength training to be included in the plan, to be honest these kinda workouts have always been my weak point, I loved running, jogging, and similar activities, but when it came to pushups, I am not able to do one single pushup!! what's your advice for a poor girl like me?:D
    I thought I would like to try your workouts one day, than taebo for another day, with elliptical machine remaining 3-4 days, and on saturday instead of working out,we will have a long family walk outside. all of this, combined with eating a healthy diet (low fat 20%) 1,800 cal a day, or more if I work out what do you think?? will I make it?
    My current stats:"
    weight: 76 kg
    I have no idea about inches, as I didn't measure, but I will..
    You ROCK,,thnx,
    I gotta run, I have an appointment, looking forward to hear from you :)

  2. Hey Sandy, Thank you so much! I love hearing good feedback! You are doing the right thing for sure and weight training/strength exercises is something us girls are not great at but it really does help. I do 6 sessions a week, 3 cardio, 1 interval and 2 strength (though recently I have been a bit bad as Callum has been ill and I have had NO sleep)

    If you can't do 1 push up, I would do an easier position of crossing your ankles and keeping your knees on the floor and then build up. Try doing 5, stop and then 5 more, or even 3, stop and 3 more and every week increase it.

    Are you breastfeeding? I am 5ft6 and I take 1,800 cals a day, more if I have had a hard workout but never less. Use, it is a really great tool.

    Keep up the GREAT work! We can all do it.

  3. Hey,
    Thanks again for the reply, I'm sorry to hear about your baby boy, I hope he will get better soon. my baby boy is waking up every 2 hours at night and I still haven't got a good rest since he was born, but I got used to it :) I love him so much!!
    Anyway, joined caloriecount yesterday, I'm a member on fitday, and that's where I kept my food and acitivity journals, but caloriecount is really good to, as it gives you a program to work with.
    I decided to start the strengtth training as from today, do as much as I can, then build up as you said, thanks for the advice about the pushups, I am totally sure that I have a weak upper body.
    I am breastfeeding, struggling with it for months now, my breast milk dramatically decreases by the time of ovulation and before menstruation (mostly hormonal reasons, nothing to do with diet, so no matter what I eat, it will still get low) so I have to nurse often, but again, I got used to it :)
    I am 167cm and I take 1,800 cal minimum a day, and that works fine for me, I noticed if I go lower it really affects my milk supply. and when I do some hard training, I eeat up to 2,200 cal.
    I am soooo following you everyday :D I can't tell you how happy I am to know someone is in the same boat as you, and that I have this amazing support, now I am 100% sure we will make it through, and get back in the best shape. not just for us, but for our little precious men :) xoxo

  4. Thanks Sandy! Callum is loads better now but he has given his bug to dad now so I have a BIG baby to look after too LOL!

    I am the same, if I drop below 1800 I notice a drop in my milk. Some days I'll eat an extra 200 cals regardless of whether I have worked out or not just for my milk.
    We are the same height so same stats, in a few months you will be posting you to are 66kg! What is your goal weight?

    You will love the look strength training gives you. I use 10lb weights and you really don't get bulked up, girls are so often scared of weights but they can be your friend!

    Keep me posted with you progress!
    Happy Blitzing!
