Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank You and More

Just a very quick post to THANK all my followers for your comments and emails, it really makes my day to know that I have helped someone out there find the motivation and inspiration to Blitz their Belly.

PLEASE share the Belly Blitz with your friends, become a follower, spread the word and we will make Blitzing the new craze in the health and fitness world.

Happy Blitzing!


  1. lol... 'my followers' .. it's great cult you've got going here Amy !!!! The not so Anonymous but currently lazy Fitz !! xx

  2. it is! I get emails almost daily now which is SO nice, and comments. My aim is to take blitzing global mwwwwuuuuuuuuuuuagh LOL! And stop being lazy....get yourself out there ha ha! xxx

  3. Thank you! I posted a comment a while back. I found that having a smoothie every afternoon is a great (and healthy) snack! My little one doesn't do well with protein powder so it doesn't last me as long as normal, but oh well.

    I have also found that keeping a calorie journal in the bathroom helps me track my calories. I go in there several times a day anyways, my toddler leaves it alone, and it doesn't get lost in stacks of paper on the dining room table (as much as I try to keep it cleared off!)

