Monday, August 23, 2010

Visitors, Sabotage and Beer tours!

Well, this is my  month of many many visitors and it is not easy working out and eating healthily when you are entertaining. With  the fantastic wine and beer we have in BC, and a brewery tour and I can FEEL the beer gut forming!

BUT...I am enjoying it but at the back of my mind I have a date set that I NEED to start to detox and get back on track before the NEXT lot of visitors arrive! I don't believe in putting a damper on festivities with "I can't drink, I'm watching my weight" or "I'll just have the salad....." when everyone else is tucking into juicy steak or pork or chocolate puddings!

I think I have said this all along...don't deny yourself anything or you are setting yourself up to fail. If you have a dog and you are training it for "Sit/Stay" you always start with a short stay time and release your dog before they fail. It's the same with us and food. By NEVER having what you want you will eventually succumb and it will be very  me! Why would you set yourself up to fail? No-one likes the feeling, where as if you allow yourself a treat here and a treat there...a week off here, a week off there and you can make up for it then mentally you are still on track and you haven't lost motivation or inspiration. Where as if you never allow yourself that and you fall off the wagon so to speak, mentally you will be kicking yourself and it is a much harder place to come back from.

This month I knew I had visitors. In between trips I have been running, rowing and cutting back on the wine and beer, but during the visits I have been RIGHT UP THERE with Scott and whoever else ordering that second glass of beer, having the steak burger and generally having a great time, knowing that in a few days I am back on track, no harm done and everyone is happy.

As always...


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