Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keeping Things Ticking Over

I have been asked recently why I am still so motivated. The answer is...I am not really sure! It really is true what they say, if you do something often enough it becomes habit and routine and over the last 9 months I have actually really enjoyed working out and getting fit. Everyone gets a high from exercise as working out releases chemicals and endorphins that make us feel good, but it is more than that. I love the result and how it makes me feel on both the outside and the inside.

However, I have been thinking a lot recently. If you have been a follower of my blog you know I am a big advocate of NEVER denying yourself what you want. If you want a beer, have it. Just make up for it later or tomorrow. Now I have reached my goal I am considering taking the training down a notch. My reasons are:

  1. I have had a baby yet I would consider my body in pretty good shape
  2. I am 32 not 22 
  3. I have a gorgeous son, a wonderful man and a great life. I am not going to put my life on hold just to look good.
  4. I am in great physical shape and happy
I am not going to get OBSESSED with working out. I do want to do more triathlons but I know that I can do it and 6 weeks before hand I can step up the training again. Right now I am happy with doing some cardio and strength training to keep things ticking over so to speak. I am going to play field hockey again this season so that is a great and fun way to keep in shape without thinking too much about it.

So....the moral of this blog post is I will still drink that beer, eat that cake and I will still go for a run or a ride, but I am not religiously counting calories or sticking to any set routine. There is more too life than being a slave to your body. I am happy and that really is the most important thing.


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