Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ouch my arms hurt

OK, so the time is 1149 and I have just completed a 40min workout. In the same magazine there was a page promising to burn 130cal in 15 mins (based on a 140lb female) So, I donned my workout gear (baggy T-Shirt and leggings, bare feet) and followed the model. I did my own boxercise warm up then the magazine workout. In 15mins I had only burnt 106cals and I am 151lbs so should technically burn more than a 140pounder. I wear a heart rate monitor that  logs my max/min heart rate, cals, fat burn etc, its AWESOME! It took another 5 minutes of alternating skipping (ouch!) and sit ups to burn the 130 cals promised.

VERDICT - This one didn't really do as it promised...a sign of things to come?

I proceeded to finish off my 40mins with my own made up work out that has got me this far. I am a dedicated follower of Tommy Europe and his last 10 pounds and I jot down exercises etc that I then do at home. Today, in addition to the magazine, I did:

  1. power lunges (lunge out to the side and back, 12 reps each leg and repeat)
  2. sumo squats and kicks (12 each leg and repeat)
  3. weighted squat with weights thenlift weights over head (2 sets of 12)
  4. power plank and raise (lie in a plank position, lift one arm up over head slowly and lower, then lift alternate arm. 2 x 10 reps) THIS BURNS!!! Great for your obliques though
  5. skaters
  6. burpies
  7. full push ups (I use one dumbell in one hand for a deeper press then roll the weight across to other hand and press) I do 2 x 10 reps
  8. bicycle sit ups
This took me to 40mins, 226cals burnt @ 45% fat burn.

I also forgot to add that my new years resolution is to TRY and do at least 30 mins of yoga every day, probably in the evening when I have put Callum to bed to try and limber up. Since giving birth my hips are very stiff and I need to loosen everything up again.

I am working today with a horse which is a mini workout so I am happy with today's progress! Tomorrow....Running with the chariot and a mad squirrel hunting husky.

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