Before any workout it is really important to warm up your muscles to prepare them for the work ahead and to prevent injury. Then after your warm up it is JUST as important to cool down.
Spend at least 5 minutes warming up your arms and legs. I take 2 x 2lb weights and do boxercise moves to music, working my arms and legs, shoulders etc. To cool down I stretch out all my muscles and take deep breaths, similar to yoga.
However...after all this, one all to vigorous sumo karate kick and I have pulled my groin OOCHA! This does not mean I am sitting by idly waiting for it to feel better, today I worked on my arms and my core for 30mins, and later on I am going to do some yoga.
I have been icing my groin (a difficult place to ice I'll tell ya!) on and off for the last 24 hours, then today I have been applying a warm compress and it is feeling much better! I will give it a day or so more to heal properly.
Remember, for all pulls, strains and sprains....RICE! Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevation.
Happy Blitzing!
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