I am having quieter day today in regards to fitness. I went for a 5K run yesterday with Callum in the chariot and the dog so feeling a little weary. I am going to do some gentle strengthening from "the magazine" and some yoga and maybe a family walk if the rain holds off.
I am going to make my first blog in the new year a handy one with a couple of tips, give them a go and let me know how you did!
We all love to hate squats and lunges but they really do work in toning up our thighs, hips and bums. We are all busy people so here is a really simple way to make a squat or a lunge work your arms and abs as well.
- Take a weight in both hands (or your baby). Squat down holding the weight out in front of you. Do 2 x 12reps. You are now working both your arms, chest and legs. THE NEXT LEVEL - do the same squat holding your baby or the weight, and as you come up, bring the weight to your chest and kick out your left leg at waist level Karate style. By extending your leg you are now engaging your core. Do 12 reps on left leg then 12 reps on right leg.
By engaging your abs and arms, one simple exercise has become dynamic and is activating more muscle groups, so in one movement you are getting more benefit in 3 areas than doing 3 separate exercises for each area. ACTIVE MUSCLE BURNS MORE CALORIES even when you are resting.
- Take a weight, or your baby, in both hands and lunge your left leg forward. Do 12 reps then switch legs. THE NEXT LEVEL - as you lower yourself into the lunge, swing your arms (with the weight) to the opposite side, so if you are lunging with your left leg, swing your arms to your right. You are now engaging your arms, abs and legs. Once you have accomplished this you can add the leg kick as well. If the left leg is forward as you come up kick your back (right) leg out at waist level karate style for an extra ab boost to erase those muffin tops!
These are 2 very easy movements we all know that can be adapted to fit our busy lifestyles and burn more fat.
If you give them ago, please drop me a comment to let me know how you got on!
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