- DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! This does not work and you will only end up putting on more weight in the long term. NEVER skip meals, especially breakfast.
- Eat a balanced diet of proteins, carbs and veggies. Try and make your carbs wholewheats etc (nothing white). A great tip that I use is for one meal, just have protein. For example an omelette or scrambled eggs for breakfast or lunch. (I am going to post some meal ideas soon)
- Eat healthy snacks to stave off hunger - your day should look something like this: 7am breakfast, 10am healthy snack, 12pm lunch, 2/3pm snack, 6pm dinner, 8pm (if needed) healthy snack.
- Don't deny yourself foods. If you want a glass of wine or a bar of chocolate, have it! Maybe just do an extra 10mins exercise the next day if you feel guilty.
Happy Blitzing!
Hey Amy! Such true words but it's hard! I'm now following your blog and am close to your after photo although no baby as an excuse, just an excess of lots of fine things and an exteme lack of exercise! Keep up the great work! :)