Monday, December 27, 2010

Post christmas bulge....

Well, I have gotten through Christmas! I have eaten so much Christmas cake, and so many mince pies and chocolates and drunk wine and beer and wine........

BUT I have been fitting in some exercise in between my eating and the scales are still my friend! On the 23rd I took the dog for a run and did some ab and core work. Then on Christmas Day we all went for a family walk out at Pacific Spirit Park. Nothing too strenuous but it is exercise none the less. And then on Boxing day I went for a ride on my bike and a run with the dog.

Getting married 4 weeks after Christmas was maybe not my smartest move LOL!

Eat what you like, drink what you like, but remember to fit in that run and everything will be GRAND! Trust me....

Happy Blitzing!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Update

I went for my run yesterday, we did about 5km and then came home. It was nice to get out into the fresh air on an otherwise gray day.

I had a nice a nice surprise today, I stood on the scales for the first time in WEEKS as I have been to scared to, but I was presently surprised! 62.5kg and only 20% body fat which I think is pretty good, especially as I have not been committed to maintaining really. All I have been doing is mentally keeping a track of my food intake, I guess it is just habit now. But if you knew me you would see I am drinking a beer most nights but we eat pretty healthily. Now HEALTHY does not have to mean boring or tasteless or bland. We have been eating steaks and baked potatoes, pastas, sushi etc but as I have said SO often, it is all about moderation and knowing your body.

I will be back soon with some great home strength exercises

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Healthy Christmas

As soon as Callum wakes up from his nap we are going for a run. Then I am going to do some arm and core exercises. Christmas is THIS weekend and I am determined to get through the Christmas period NOT putting on any weight!

Something I learned when my parents were here and for can eat and drink what you want as long as you put the effort in to step up the exercise to make up for is ALL about BALANCE!

Mince pies, christmas cake, wine, beer, cheeeeese - it is all allowed, in moderation, just don't forget to go for a run or a ride or at least a long family walk in the park.

I will be back later today, I have some new moves to try out and if good I will detail them in here!

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

5 weeks today....

I have been pretty good this week. I went horse riding Wednesday, a 10km bike ride with the chariot yesterday and I am just back from a 5km run and about to do some strength and tone exercises.

I am using to keep a track of what I eat and am trying to have between 1200 and 1400 calories a day. Last night I did enjoy a nice beer with dinner but was still within my calories so we are all good!

It is SO MUCH EASIER to stick to any sort of healthy eating plan ( I loathe to call it a diet as it isn't) if you don't deny yourself anything. I have said this time and time again but any 'diet' that restricts food groups or has you on so little calories you are starving is not going to have a good success rate. You may see results but you will be miserable and as soon as you start eating normally you will put on weight again. NORMAL should be what you are doing all the time, just not over eating and eating the right things...WHOLE GRAINS, LOW FAT and BALANCED!

So have go for that run, have that beer and be happy! And you will be very surprised with the results.

Happy Blitzing!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

5 week countdown!

OK! So I sort of stopped being SO committed to fitness as we found out I was pregnant. I was still working out but not as much...anyway the sad news is we lost the baby so I have had NO motivation whatsoever for the last few weeks.

But happier things are ahead of us as Scott and I get married in 5 weeks and 2 days! And obviously I want to look as HOT as I can for the wedding so the Belly Blitz IS BACK!!!!!!!!! I want to work out at least 4 times a week. I don't necessarily want to lose weight but I want to be as toned as I was about a month ago, which is totally doable if I pull a finger out.

So you heard it here first! The Belly Blitz is back, I will be posting my workouts and motivation and progress as before.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Low on Motivation...

Well, my motivation has come to a grinding halt and I really need to jump start it again! A combination of the weather and being ill has really put the kybosh on my motivation. I haven't done anything for just over a week now which isn't good at all.

So I thought getting back onto my blog will maybe help me find my motivation again and I will post it here first!

Happy Blitzing!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I know I've posted this before but it is very dear to my heart.

I have been thinking about this a lot over the weekend, so much so I decided to write a post about it. Sustainability - in other words is your lifestyle, exercise and diet regime sustainable? I think so, as for me The Belly Blitz lets you do more or less whatever you want, doesn't exclude any food groups and is tailored to your body and your timescales.  I don't feel guilty if I have a glass of wine or a bar of chocolate, I am only human and I want to enjoy life without the guilt trips. It is all about balance as I have said so many times.

The reason I have been thinking this is a variety of people I know are doing different things - no carbs, fat free, no alcohol Dr Bernstein etc all under one guise or another. But is it really sustainable? Can you see yourself for the rest of your life NEVER having a carb again? Or forever eating fat free and never having that apple pie and ice cream? I  know I can't, and many of these regimes are great, you see results then as soon as you get to where you want to be and start being "normal" again, the weight or the body fat starts creeping up again as your body adjusts back to what normal is. Or is it costing you the earth? Losing weight is not a quick fix or going to happen over night. It IS hard work, it WILL take weeks or months, but it WILL happen.

So I ask again, is your current regime sustainable? If so then FANTASTIC, you have found that balance and can look forward to a healthy and active life, not restricting yourself in terms of food and drink. If not....then maybe it is something to think about. You are more likely to succeed in the long term if what you are doing is easy, doable and fits into a "normal" life.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Eating what you want!

I really need to pull a finger out and get back to my blog LOL! On the good side I HAVE been continuing to work out and eat well. With my parents here (for 5 weeks!) I think we ate 2 HUGE meals a day and there was always a bottle or two of wine floating around in the evening but surprisingly enough I didn't put on an ounce which I am SOOOO happy about! I sort of threw caution to the wind and just enjoyed having visitors. We cooked a lot, ate really well and drank really well. The only thing I did not let go was working out. It slacked off a little but I still went for rides on my bike, runs and played hockey. I lost my "gym" (the spare room) so no strength training but it just goes to show, you can pretty much eat what you like as long as you put in the effort with working it off again.

HOWEVER I did feel more sluggish with all the heavy rich foods but that went after a couple of days of being back to normal.

As always....HAPPY BLITZING!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Apologies again!

I seem to have been slack in updating my blog and setting new challenges. No excuse really, work and visitors! My parents are here for 5 weeks so have been busy busy!

So how did everyone get on with challenges? With all the push-ups and lunges I am expecting some svelte arms and  BOOTYlicious behinds!

My parents brought me out some clothes from home from before I had Callum....AND THEY ARE TOO BIG! Too big on the hips and waist and too big on the chest. I'm heavier than I was but I am smaller. Just goes to show muscle really does weigh more than fat.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The benefits of yoga

I have been training so  much the past few months with strength training and cardio that my yoga slipped off the timetable when I used to do at least 30mins of yoga every day.

Monday I did an hour of yoga. Today is Wednesday and my abs and the backs of my legs are still hurting! Just goes to show how much yoga does for your body. No cardio but it is great to tone and stretch your muscles and increase flexibility and suppleness, AND it is a great stress buster. Give it a go and you will SEE AND FEEL the difference.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Challenge 2...

So how did you get on with the push up challenge? Was it a little much for the first challenge? Sorry...but stick with it, if you can only do 2 then crash, do just 2 and build it up! You will notice a difference, trust me!

OK, challenge number 2 is a little easier. do 2 reps of 10 lunges every other day. Add it on to the push ups if you can and WORK THOSE LEGS!

Have a great week...HAPPY BLITZING!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The challenge so far...

So my fellow Blitzers, how are you all getting on with the challenge so far? I know push ups are not easy but doing a couple a day/every other day you will build up your arm muscles and WILL notice a difference. Even your core gets some work.

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Challenge Number 1!

I have been thinking about a challenge for you all. I thought I would post it today and then check up at the end of next week.

My challenge 2 sets of 10 press ups every other day. If you can't do 10 start with 5 and add one each time. If you can't do it normally cross your ankles and keep your knees on the floor. A press up (or push up) targets your pecs/chest, deltoids (arms) and triceps (arms).

Let me know how you get on. This is a good one to track your progress as I know when I started I couldn't do more than 5 in a row and I had to stop for a rest before attempting another set. We women are not known for our upper body strength but press ups are great at toning your arms, shoulders and giving your boobs a wee lift! Now I do 2 x 10 press ups 2 or 3 times a week incorporated into my workout. I have also taken them to the next level but we will leave that one for later....

Let me know how you get on! Drop me an email ( or post a comment.


Calm before another storm

I have been entertaining all of August and it has been great seeing friends and having them stay...however not so good for my belly! I think I mentioned before that I do not deny myself anything and I don't not eat out or drink beer. I have REALLY enjoyed myself this last week but I now have a week off before the  next lot of visitors arrive so it is back on the wagon!

I don't think I have actually counted calories for many weeks but I have been working out. I tend to eat pretty healthily now. I have been doing this for the last 12 months and to be honest it is hard NOT to eat healthily!

I am having a day off today, I rowed, ran and then rowed again yesterday and feeling a LITTLE sore today!

As always...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Now it's your turn...

Now it is time for some interactive Blitzing. How are you all getting on? Sandy, not heard from you in a while, did you find a triathlon to do in Croatia?

A friend of mine had a great idea of setting a weekly challenge and then seeing how you all got on. (Thanks Jen!)

So I will start this on Monday then you can let me know the outcome towards the end of the week (Friday or Sunday, I haven't decided yet....)

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Visitors, Sabotage and Beer tours!

Well, this is my  month of many many visitors and it is not easy working out and eating healthily when you are entertaining. With  the fantastic wine and beer we have in BC, and a brewery tour and I can FEEL the beer gut forming!

BUT...I am enjoying it but at the back of my mind I have a date set that I NEED to start to detox and get back on track before the NEXT lot of visitors arrive! I don't believe in putting a damper on festivities with "I can't drink, I'm watching my weight" or "I'll just have the salad....." when everyone else is tucking into juicy steak or pork or chocolate puddings!

I think I have said this all along...don't deny yourself anything or you are setting yourself up to fail. If you have a dog and you are training it for "Sit/Stay" you always start with a short stay time and release your dog before they fail. It's the same with us and food. By NEVER having what you want you will eventually succumb and it will be very  me! Why would you set yourself up to fail? No-one likes the feeling, where as if you allow yourself a treat here and a treat there...a week off here, a week off there and you can make up for it then mentally you are still on track and you haven't lost motivation or inspiration. Where as if you never allow yourself that and you fall off the wagon so to speak, mentally you will be kicking yourself and it is a much harder place to come back from.

This month I knew I had visitors. In between trips I have been running, rowing and cutting back on the wine and beer, but during the visits I have been RIGHT UP THERE with Scott and whoever else ordering that second glass of beer, having the steak burger and generally having a great time, knowing that in a few days I am back on track, no harm done and everyone is happy.

As always...


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keeping Things Ticking Over

I have been asked recently why I am still so motivated. The answer is...I am not really sure! It really is true what they say, if you do something often enough it becomes habit and routine and over the last 9 months I have actually really enjoyed working out and getting fit. Everyone gets a high from exercise as working out releases chemicals and endorphins that make us feel good, but it is more than that. I love the result and how it makes me feel on both the outside and the inside.

However, I have been thinking a lot recently. If you have been a follower of my blog you know I am a big advocate of NEVER denying yourself what you want. If you want a beer, have it. Just make up for it later or tomorrow. Now I have reached my goal I am considering taking the training down a notch. My reasons are:

  1. I have had a baby yet I would consider my body in pretty good shape
  2. I am 32 not 22 
  3. I have a gorgeous son, a wonderful man and a great life. I am not going to put my life on hold just to look good.
  4. I am in great physical shape and happy
I am not going to get OBSESSED with working out. I do want to do more triathlons but I know that I can do it and 6 weeks before hand I can step up the training again. Right now I am happy with doing some cardio and strength training to keep things ticking over so to speak. I am going to play field hockey again this season so that is a great and fun way to keep in shape without thinking too much about it.

So....the moral of this blog post is I will still drink that beer, eat that cake and I will still go for a run or a ride, but I am not religiously counting calories or sticking to any set routine. There is more too life than being a slave to your body. I am happy and that really is the most important thing.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Still Motivated

Mission is accomplished but I think I am even MORE motivated now! I confess I have not been on the scales in a very long time but I do keep checking my stats and my waist bust and hips measurements are all doing pretty good -

Hips: 37inches
Waist: 26 inches
Bust: 32.5inches

So I think they have all gone down a little! I am dreading the scales though as I have had my best mate here for a week and I have drunk lots of beer and wine, eaten chips and dip and it was Callum's first birthday so lots of cake!

Here is a video though of me playing with Callum and I am REALLY happy with my toning. I don't mind being a little heavier if I am toned and in shape. But more on that in another blog....

How is everyone else doing?


Friday, July 30, 2010


I have discovered why many mum's struggle to lose weight.....WE EAT THE BABY'S FOOD!!! The last few days I have found myself picking when I am feeding Callum...a bit of toast here, a cracker there and it all adds up! I am going to have to make SUCH a conscious effort to stop doing it as I am sure it piles on the calories through out the day.

Come on, hands up who else is guilty of this?! It just hit me how much I do it!

Happy Blitzing!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

REALLY motivated

Hi all,
Well, after posting my pics I am REALLY motivated to keep the fitness up. I still want to lose a couple more pounds and just get back to triathlon fitness really after breaking my toes.

How is everyone else doing? Sandy, not heard from you for a while, how are you getting on?

Happy Blitzing!

Friday, July 23, 2010


OK...I can't believe I am posting these on the web for all to see are some bikini shots, and I SWEAR I can see abs in there LOL! Very hard to take pics of yourself so I apologise for the poor quality but...never the less....I THINK I'VE DONE IT!!! I have BLITZED THAT BELLY! (and excuse the bruised legs, I am a KLUTZ!)


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back on the wagon...again!

Well, this last week has been pretty good. I have done LOADS of rowing, working out, swimming and walking and I even managed a run. The broken toes are back in business and if registration hadn't closed I WOULD have been doing the point grey triathlon this weekend!

SO, with that in mind I will be posting mys tats again AND a picture! I have been baring all in a bikini at Kits pool and no-one has keeled over in fright which is always a good sign!

Watch this space and as always


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Proud of myself!

Well, I rowed 4000m today and did an arm and core workout so feeling pretty good. The broken toe is really beginning to p*ss me off though! I have been tracking my calories and am on track. I even went to the corner coffee shop and bought Scott a Mint Frapp but I got myself an iced rooibos tea (0Cals!!!) WILL POWER!!!!

I have also swapped bread for rice cakes and I have been having eggs for lunch and munching on cucumber etc when hungry. I am trying to get used to the HUGE calorie drop from breast feeding and now not feeding.

I am working tomorrow but will be swimming or something on Thursday, we shall see.

Happy Blitzing!

On and Off the Wagon

Hi all

Well, I have been off and on the wagon like a yoyo the past few weeks! The weather is great, its BBQ season and it is all too easy to succumb to margaritas on the deck for sundowners! I have told Scott that I am NOT DRINKING this week as I need to get back on the wagon as I REALLY want to get back to 61kg. It may not be possible but I want to get as close as I can.

Broken toe permitting I am exercising daily. I swam 1km on Sunday, went rowing and walking yesterday with a core workout and rowed 4km and a core workout today. We shall see what things are like come Monday! I am a little scared to get on the scales as I tentatively got on the other day (after breakfast...) and had put on 1kg! I am hoping it was just the toast I just ate but maybe not!

I NEED motivation! My mate Mel got me into which is sort of like a facebook for workouts and it is a great motivational tool. It's free to register and if you are already a member then let's motivate each other!

How is everyone else getting on? It has been very quiet recently.

I am planning on doing something EVERY DAY this week, yoga on my rest days and I am being strict with my calories. I have officially stopped breast feeding. Callum is 11 months this week and I think I have been eating maintenance calories as opposed to losing weight so I have dropped to 1,300 a day. SO HARD after being bale to eat 1,800 and still lose. But the time had come to stop, he sort of self weaned so it was time.

As always...


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Still Broken.....

Feeling very sluggish after 2 days of not doing anything! I worked yesterday and worked up quite a sweat but not the same as a good cardio work out. I am going to try cycling and swimming this weekend as I need to do something to stop me piling on the pounds. Funny thing is, maybe it is mental, but I seem to have lost my appetite which is not a bad thing seeing as I am no longer breast feeding and can't work out to work off the extra calories!

Anyone got any good armchair workouts?!

Happy Blitzing!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another Spanner in the Works..

Well, my running  and training will have to take a back seat for a while. I broke my toe yesterday and walking etc are a bit of a challenge today! I may try swimming tonight and see how that works.

I can still do some arm and core stuff and anything on the ground so I'll have to come up with a routine that is toe-less!

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SO SO SO busy...

Morning peeps

Sorry for the lack of activity, I have been SO SO SO busy recently, work has really picked up and I have had very little time to do anything.

I still have 5 pounds to go and have slowed right down but my clothes feel very loose so it is all working!

I am out all day today and tomorrow but I will be back VERY SOON with lots of inspiring and motivational blogging.


Friday, June 18, 2010

The Cleansing Detox

OK....sorry I haven't posted my stats this week but I was thinking now I am nearing the end I would do it every 2 weeks so MONDAY I will post stats. Fingers crossed the plateau has been breached!

The detox was really good - it is more of a cleanser than a fast as you still consume approx 1,400 cals.

You will need:

Brown Rice
Pomegranate Juice
LOTS of water

Brown rice and pomegranate juice are known antioxidants and help flush your system.

The combination will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need for your day, clear your body of toxins and oxidants, and provide you with plenty of energy  for your normal routine and a workout.

1. No coffee or tea, or any soft drink. The ONLY liquids that are allowed are the 4 glasses of pomegranate juice and much water as you can drink.

2. If you are a smoker, try to stop for the 24 hours, or if you cannot, limit the cigarettes to as few as possible, and try not to inhale, but smoke the cigarette as you would a cigar.

3. Take a hot shower or bath both in the morning and in the evening, scrubbing the skin with a brush, loofa, or special skin cloth that will stimulate good blood circulation. Also going to a sauna is a wonderful idea. Spend as much time there as possible, taking your food with you.

4. Do not cheat; follow the diet plan. Eat ONLY when you are hungry, not by the clock.

5. Exercise by any means (walking may be the best) for at least 45 minutes during the day. This is very important.

One glass of pomegranate juice, with a handful of the raw almonds. Do not overfill your stomach; when you are about 50% satisfied, stop.

Mid-morning Snack
One bowl of the brown rice, with some natural soya sauce, and some tofu if you feel you need protein. One glass of water. I boiled my rice with some fresh ginger or powdered ginger for a bit of flavour and ginger is good for you.

One glass of pomegranate juice and a mixed green salad, as much as you wish. A dressing of virgin olive oil, wine vinegar, and salt may be used.

Mid-Day Snack
One glass of pomegranate juice, with a handful of the raw almonds. Do not overfill your stomach; when you are about 50% satisfied, stop.

The last glass of pomegranate juice and a large bowl of brown rice. I also mixed salad in with my rice so it wasn't so bland and to give me more food.

I also drank boiled water with a slice of lemon and some cinnamon throughout the day as it is a good cleansing drink. I went for a 6km run and didn't feel weary or lethargic as I was still eating. I did this Tuesday and Thursday last week and I did feel re-energised and cleansed and my milk supply didn't suffer from detoxing.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well, day 1 of the detox went really well and it was REALLY easy to follow as I was still consuming 1,400 cals. So I am doing it again today and I will let you know the success and then post the details...that is what I am here for...try all these things out and then tell you what works!

I did a 6km run on monday, a 6km run yesterday and I am playing hockey tonight. I am also going to do some yoga and some strength exercises today as with all the running and training I feel like my hamstrings are tight and I am losing some suppleness and flexibility.

I am also going to post some pictures of the progress....EEK! This is the last few weeks and I WILL reach my goal.

How is everyone else getting on?

Happy Blitzing!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Detox Detox Detox...

Hello fellow blitzers...

I am giving a detox a go...and should it work I will write all about it. It is not a detox in that I fast and don't eat as I still want to work out and I need the energy to run around after Callum! But it is a detox in that I am eating antioxidant rich foods and drinks. I will still be consuming around 1,400 cals but I am hoping if I follow it for a couple of days it will tip me over the edge of the plateau and then I can reach my goal!

I am all for detoxing in the right arenas but I am not one for starving myself for 24/48 hours.

So watch this space!

Happy Blitzing!

Week 23 Stats

Weight: 63.7kg NO CHANGE
Waist 26 inches NO CHANGE
Hips: 37 inches NO CHANGE
Bust: 33 inches NO CHANGE

There were minuscule changes but nothing worth noting....DAMN PLATEAU!

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

week 22 stats

Weight: 63.7kg NO CHANGE
Waist 26 inches NO CHANGE
Hips: 37 inches NO CHANGE
Bust: 33 inches NO CHANGE I haven't put on any weight but I am still on the plateau so hopefully NEXT week will see some improvement!

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Back to Basics

I forgot to do my stats this morning and I have already eaten etc so tomorrow. I am not confident that I have lost any though. I am getting back to basics this week and going to be religious about counting the calories. I won't be training so hard as I am giving my body a wee break but I will still do something.

I think I am still on a plateau. I am winding down the breast feeding now so I am going to drop my calories to 1,600 from 1,800 and not do as much aerobic exercise as I have been doing for the triathlons and see if that gets me over the edge.

How is everyone else doing?

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tri Fever!

OK...second tri is over and done with! And to reward myself I had a sticky pecan slice this afternoon and a few glasses of wine this evening! What's the point in training so hard if you can't reward yourself at the end of the day?

At 6am this morning I was having second thoughts about this triathlon seeing as it was cold wet and miserable!  And of course STUPIDLY early! But we stripped off our clothes, stood in the rain and then swam, rode and ran ourselves ragged around Stanley Park! This one was a little different as it was a 4km trail run and a 500m swim.

I have to say I really do have the Triathlon Bug, I am loving the training with my friends, the lead up and the feeling when I cross the finish line and Scott and Callum are there waiting for me! We have 7 weeks off now till the next one...

And of course a few pictures!!!

Happy Blitzing!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Running Running Running....

Following on from a facebook conversation, here is some running advice.

Running outside is different from being on a cross trainer, or even a running machine, inside. Get yourself some really good tunes on your ipod and just go! If you feel like you want to stop, pick a landmark ahead of you and think you'll stop when you make that tree, or lamp post, then if you feel good when you get there, pick another one and keep going! There is definitely a "wall" in the first 15 mins or so of running but if you run through that wall you will find you can keep going for a bit longer.I hit a wall after about 1 or 2km and then after that I get a second wind. When I run 10km, the first 5km is the hardest, after that it feels so much easier. The key is NOT to stop when you first feel like stopping but to push on through for another 500m or 2 minutes or whatever you pick. Even speed up the pace a little. You will be surprised at how far and how much you can do.

As always....HAPPY BLITZING!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Answer to Comments in Last Post

I made a post about P90x a while ago. I think it is good, but nothing different really to what I have been saying all along about mixing it up and increasing your intensity level so your body doesn't get used to the same training every day. Sandy, I would use bigger weights. I use 10lb dumbells and you won't bulk up, I promise you. DON'T BE SCARED OF THE WEIGHTS! Your baby weighs more than 2lbs and we have  no problem picking them up. Shopping bags weigh more. The key is the amount of reps. At the end of your rep you want to feel it. If you are doing 2 x 10 reps then at the end of the first 10 your arms should be feeling the strain, a short break and then the second rep.

For triathlon training I did some research on the internet. I started by just doing the same I was doing anyway on my cardio days. A run or a ride but then I would be doing a 10km run to work on stamina or a 15km ride with a big hill climb. Then about 10 weeks before the tri start doing 2 things a day. You need to get your body used to the strain the intensity puts on your muscles. After every ride run for 10mins to get your legs used to the change in motion. Run to your swimming pool, go for a swim and run back. Swimming uses your WHOLE body and the feeling of running after a swim is quite different!

About 6 weeks before the tri I was doing at least 2 if not 3 things a day. A week looked a bit like this:

  1. Monday - 10km ride then 3km run in morning (Sometimes a 500m swim in the evening)
  2. Tuesday - 14km ride with hill climb in morning then a very short 5 or 10 min jog
  3. Wednesday - off
  4. Thursday - run 4km to pool, swim 500m, run 4km home
  5. Friday - yoga and gentle flat ride
  6. Saturday - 8km ride, 4km run 800m swim
  7. Sunday - trail run 5km to 10km
I would sometimes have 2 rest days a week. If you can run 10km then you can do a short/sprint triathlon. It is like anything you just have to train for it.

I find if you have a goal then you are more likely to succeed. And friends really help. There were 5 of us doing the tri and we all pulled each other along. Amy K was the best motivation, she was so positive and up beat about  everything and having a friend like that to pull you along is as important as the training itself.

If any of you are wanting to train for something, whether it be a 5km fun run, 10km, half marathon, a triathlon then let me know and I will give you support, training tips etc!


Friday, May 21, 2010

That answers that question!!!

So.....I guess it is straight back into it! I have just signed up for Triathlon number 2 for 29th May. So I went for a gentle jog last night and am back into training mode!

Also, a quick recap. Back in January I was following a magazine that claimed if I did their exercises I would lose 10/15/20 pounds by March. I have to say that I think it was right! Between Jan 1st and March 1st I only lost about 10lbs but I lost a lot of inches and was building lean and toned muscle. I think if you are someone who has NEVER exercised and you followed their toning exercises twice a week combined with cardio you would lose a lot of weight and a lot of inches.

I have to stress again, for anyone new to The Belly Blitz, DON'T BE AFRAID OF WEIGHTS! Weights are our friend and so many girls just think cardio cardio cardio but if you don't mix it up and add in some strengthening and weights you won't tone up as much as you want. If you are aiming to do 5 days a week, then make 3 cardio (2 cardio and 1 interval) and 2 weights and strengthening and you will SEE the inches fall off.

Also, do not skip meals, do not starve yourself and do not deny yourself anything that you want. Everything in moderation. I use and it tells me for my activity level and my weight and height how much I should be eating. As I am STILL breastfeeding I never go below 1,800 calories.

TO DATE I have lost in total 20kg/45lbs and I am back to a UK size 10 or a US size 6. Check out my before pic...I was HUGE! I was about a UK 16/US12...I couldn't get the jeans I now wear past my knees and lived in my maternity clothes and even they felt a bit tight.

Anyway, WE CAN ALL DO IT! Don't focus on how you feel right now but how you want to feel and look. In the grand scheme of things 6 months is not a long time and at the end of it you will feel better, look better and be better armed to live a fit and healthy life!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Days off or back into it?!

Well, now the tri is over but I still have 5 or 6 lbs to lose...I am sort of wondering where to go from here. We are all considering doing another triathlon on the 29th May and we definitely want to do one in August so a couple of things to work on.

I think my body is getting used to the exercise and I need some new techniques to up the fitness and fat burning. Interval training really is great for this so I may have to get back into that.

The last few pounds are always the hardest!

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Some tri pics....

Post triathlon and Week 20 stats!

OK, so The Bloated Bitch has gone LOL! My poor Scott....I have to admit I was a bit of a nightmare for a couple of days!

Triathlon was yesterday, we all did SO well!!!! I wanted to do it in 80mins and I was 80mins and 09secs!  I am feeling fit and healthy and HOPEFULLY am over the plateau.

Weight: 63.7kg DOWN 800g 
Waist 26 inches DOWN 1 INCH
Hips: 37 inches NO CHANGE (I think my hips will forever be 37inches LOL! Nice to have curves!)
Bust: 33 inches DOWN 1 INCH!

So I am pretty happy. Weight is coming down and the inches are falling off. Just another3 kg to go!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Bloated B*tch from Hell

Hi all

Well she finally came to visit...after nearly 18 months Aunt Flo popped in unannounced and I am a bloated miserable b!tch from hell!!! Stats will be delayed this week as if they are not good I am likely to slit my wrists LOL!

So.....Happy Blitzing!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 18 weigh in and stats

Well, apologies for not being online much. I have had a stinking cold/virus all week and have only managed one training session, though it has not affected my appetite at all!

Weight: 64.5kg DOWN 200g (LOL!)
Bust: 33inchesNO CHANGE
Waist 27 inches NO CHANGE
Hips: 37inches NO CHANGE

I think I am still more or less stuck on a plateau and all my good intentions went out the window last week with being ill. Not quite back to fighting fit yet but getting there.

How has everyone else got on?

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A picture of the trail run up Mount Fromme

Definitely looking skinnier!

Happy Blitzing!

That dreaded Plateau and Week 17

It's happened....I've hit another plateau and it is really getting me down now!

In week 15 my stats were:
Weight: 63.7kg
Bust: 34inches
Waist 27 inches
Hips: 37inches

This is week 17 and I have PUT ON WEIGHT but lost inches. I didn't manage to put up my stats last week but they were the same as this week.

Weight: 64.7kg UP 1KG!
Bust: 33inches DOWN 1 INCH
Waist 27 inches NO CHANGE
Hips: 37inches NO CHANGE

I am in a dilemma., I am working out A LOT for this triathlon and I am struggling to eat enough to keep my milk supply good. I am trying to work out if the extra weight is muscle mass or the dreaded fat. So this week, and you read it here so I AM accountable, I am going to try and stick to an eating plan and see if there is any change next week. NO MORE ALCOHOL for the week, and limited carbs but I still need 1,800 cals for my supply. Or amybe not, maybe I need to drop to 1,600 cals a day as my weight has decreased, or the flip side is I need MORE calories as my activity level has increased. This just goes to show it is NOT an exact science and over the next week or 2 I am going to play around with theories to see which one works on this occasion. My last plateau I decreased my carbs and upped my cardio but my cardio is so high at the moment so I am not sure that will work this week.

My exercise this week...I burnt 2200 cals this week
Monday: Interval Fitness training
Tuesday: Off (working on horses)
Wednesday: 11km ride and 3km run
Thursday: 20min row, 30mins yoga
Friday: OFF
Saturday: 11km ride, 1000m swim and 5km run
Sunday: 10km trail run

I can see my strength training has taken a dive with the triathlon training so this week I am going to do at least 2 strength sessions, drop my carbs and see if I can get over this plateau.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More apologies!

Sorry I have been slack with my updates and I missed my stats this week...Monday I had a dog that had projectile poop and projectile vomit and that took up most of my day! I have to say, I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry on Monday, was NOT  nice!

I will maybe do my stats tomorrow or leave it till next week. It was my birthday at the weekend and even though we were away and I was working, we still managed to eat A LOT and I enjoyed a few beers...yummmmm!

But....A BIG SHOUT  OUT FOR MY MATE TANIA!!!!!!!!!!! She is doing SOOOOO well with her weight-loss, it is just SHEDDING off are ONE HOT MAMA LOL! All the triathlon training and healthy eating is working a treat.

Right, I will be back with stats and great posts VERY SOON.

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 15: weekly weigh in and stats

Weight: 63.7kg DOWN 0.9KG!
Bust: 34inches NO CHANGE
Waist 27 inches NO CHANGE
Hips: 37inches DOWN HALF AN INCH

I am pleased with that. I have done loads of triathlon training this week, in total I have burnt 2668 calories with 8 training sessions.

Going to have breakfast now and will be back with more inspirational posts later!

Happy Blitzing!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What Half a Pound Looks Like

This is half a pound...its a whole tub of spreadable butter, 227g. Now you know what it looks like, you can feel GREAT when you lose half a pound or a whole pound. It's more than you think!

Happy Blitzing!!!

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

I just posted this as a comment but I think it is worth a post all on its own! I might even go and take some pictures of what it looks like!

So many of us, me included, are disappointed at only half a pound weight loss. BUT we WANT to be losing at a rate of about a pound a week. The slower it comes off the longer it stays off and it means we are losing fat and not fluid.

A wee experiment for you all. Go and raid your fridge for some butter or margarine or lard. Measure out half a pound and put it in some clingfilm/glad-wrap. Roll it out so it is about 1cm thick and just LOOK at how much fat it is. When you lose half a pound that is how much fat you are losing. Imagine that wrapped around a leg or an arm or stuck on your stomach or bottom. IT'S HUGE!

So next time you get on the scales...REJOICE at any amount of weight loss, no matter how small as it is all going in the right direction. If you really are disappointed with your progress or you have reached a plateau, examine your routine and diet. If you have been doing the same fitness day in and day out for weeks then your body becomes used to it and you need to step it up a gear. Throw in some interval training - vary your running speed, put in some sprints, do some stairs or hill running or try a circuit type of routine. In between your lunges or squats or any of your strength training, do 60second of skipping, with or without a rope (I don't have a rope but I do all the motions LOL!). Do this for a week and you will be surprised at the progress. Also you may need to drop your cals again as you have lost weight so try and reduce by 100cals a day.

As I have said before, this is not an exact science and all our bodies are different but the rule that DOES work is eating healthily and within your calorie allowance and exercising.

Now I am off to roll out some butter and post some pictures!

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

It just goes to show what a little perseverance and effort can do. 6 months ago when I started the Belly Blitzing journey, I went on Scott's rowing machine. I think I managed to stay on for 20mins and rowed 2000m. Yesterday I rowed for 20 minutes and I managed 4000m and I wasn't even going hard out, it was just a gentle in 6 months I have improved 100%. Little by little, 20mins a day here, 40mins a day there and it is amazing what we can accomplish.

Today my little triathlon group (we are now FOUR so we have doubled in size too!) went for a ride and a run. we rode 17km and we ran 4km...and I had Callum in the Chariot the whole way. My legs now feel like LEAD! But we did it. even 4 months ago I couldn't have done that, i was running 3 and 5km and that was killing me. 6 months ago I couldn't even walk up my STREET without breaking out in a sweat. AND YOU CAN ALL DO IT TOO!!!! Just persevere. I have had my ups and downs, had weeks off at a time and days when I just could not be @ssed. But we get there in the end.

And as requested by Sandy, here are some pics from today...excuse my white shades, they are my mountain biking shades and match my downhill helmet but don't look quite so good on their own LOL!

First we have Mel stretching off....then Amy looking very svelte...then me and Callum with Amy and and Callum and then the 3 of us. I would spot Amy's red joggers MILES in front of me through the crowd and know I had to step it up a gear LOL!

Happy Blitzing!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Having a goal

I have been really slack posting inspirational posts this week, sorry! I have really got caught up with this triathlon training. Its just a baby tri but a tri none the less and the 4 of us that are running it are having a blast. I cannot stress enough the power of friends in situations like this. We train together 2 or 3 times a week and the rest of the time we email and text things like "I just ran 10km!" or "I just swam 1000m". It really spurs us all on. If I was doing this on my own there is no way I would be enjoying it as much or doing so much training.

It's also something great to aim for. Back in December when I wanted to lose the last of the baby weight it was a goal to reach and it has really helped with these last few pounds.

So a BIG thank you to TANIA, AMY, and MEL for all your help and support with the triathlon training and just making it enjoyable. And SANDY for all her posts on Facebook....MOVE TO CANADA SANDY!!!! lol.

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 14: Weekly weigh in and stats

Not lost ANY weight this week...not happy!

Weight: 64.6kg NO CHANGE
Bust: 34inches NO CHANGE
Waist 27 inches NO CHANGE
Hips: 37.5 inches NO CHANGE

I guess I haven't put on any either but I have been working out SOOOOOO much! I know if this was someone else and I was talking to them I would say "But muscle weighs more than fat and you haven't gained any. Go by how you feel not the scales." In my head I am disappointed. But I will keep going and stick to it and hopefully next week there will be a change.

Sometimes it takes a week for your body to catch up with your routine and I have been working out so much getting ready for this triathlon so I am going to try and not let it get to me and just keep going. These last few kg are the hardest!

How has everyone else got on?

Happy Blitzing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friends and motivation!

I am going on a bike ride tomorrow I am going on a bike ride tomorrow I am going on a bike ride tomorrow I am going on a bike ride tomorrow.......mind over matter!

It's Good Friday tomorrow and the girls are coming round to mine at 0830 and we are going for an early morning ride wind rain or shine! There are now 4 of us doing the triathlon in May and we really help each other train and get motivated.

If you are lacking a little in the motivation stakes find yourself a workout buddy who will keep you going when you are feeling like quitting and vice versa. it really makes a difference. We train together 2 or 3 times a week and the rest of the time we email/text/facebook each other with our achievements or grievances, and the last few weeks I have been SO motivated!

So go and find yourself a support group!

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mind over Matter

I was chatting to a friend yesterday who was having trouble motivating herself to do things. In the past I have been the most UNMOTIVATED person when it came to exercise. I was fine if it was a hockey game but I had to force myself to go to training and the slightest excuse not to I would snatch it!

Now I really do use a mind over matter approach. For example, yesterday I ran 10km with the chariot and the dog. The night before I told myself I would be running 10km tomorrow, and in my head I just kept telling myself that. Then in the morning I got dressed straight away  in my running clothes before I even checked if it was raining and continued to tell myself I was running 10km. I normally only run 3 to 5km and that's enough but I really wanted to run 10km. So I got the chariot ready, the sun was out but rain was looming but because for the past 10 hours I had been telling myself I was going to go running it really took no effort at all to motivate myself. I ran 3km and just kept going! And it felt SO GOOD! Physically and emotionally as I felt I had achieved something.

So....the moral of my wee story is, you can do whatever you put your mind to. If you are finding yourself lacking in motivation, set yourself a goal. Just before you go to bed voice it aloud, tell your partner or a friend etc that tomorrow you will be working out/going for a swim/going for a run and then keep telling yourself that like a mantra. You will be amazed by how much easier the actual doing it is!

As always, let me know how you get on or any stories of success. Either leave a comment or email me at

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 13: Weekly weigh in and stats AND Interval Training

OK...Stats first then I'll chat.

Weight: 64.6kg DOWN 0.4KG!
Bust: 34inches DOWN HALF AN INCH!
Waist 27 inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Hips: 37.5 inches NO CHANGE

I am happy with that in a week. It is all going in the right direction. I have upped my training schedule this week for the triathlon. I rowed 3 times, strength training twice, went running on Saturday and swimming last night. I am trying to motivate myself to go for a run now but the weather is not helping me much! But I will go....

How is everyone else getting on?

Interval Training
I am introducing some friends to some interval training tonight. We are meeting at a football (soccer) pitch near my house. This is something anyone can do if you h ave the motivation. Its free and it works. It builds your overall fitness and as it is interval training it helps give your body a fat burning boost. Not sure of spelling but back home it was called Farlick. Basically you start by walking the short (end) length of the pitch. Then when you reach the corner you jog to the halfway line, then sprint or 3/4 pace the remaining half of the long side and the whole of the short (end) length then jog to the halfway and walk the remaining half and the short end again and repeat it all. It kills, it won't feel  nice but it WORKS! Try and do 8 times round or 10 times round. Do it once to set your goal and then aim to increase it weekly.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is so important though as new mums can be very evasive! Last night Callum had the best night sleep ever so I had the best night sleep and what a difference this morning. I have hoovered, stripped the bed and put in wash, dusted and tidied up, put laundry away rowed for 20mins and 20mins strength training all before 9am!

If you are working out regularly you need to give your body a day or even 2 days off and relax and sleep sleep sleep. Your body will recover, your muscles will strengthen and you will feel energised.

The importance of rest days is that when we work out we are essentially tearing the muscle fibers, letting it build back up and strengthen itself. If we don't give our body a chance to repair and rest then it will have the adverse effect and we well become weak and lethargic.

So sleep, take a day off and let your body grow stronger.

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 12: weekly weigh in and stats

At least I think it is week has been a while and I do apologise. I am back though for sure this time. It has just been a roller coast of a few weeks finding we had lost the babies and then finally miscarrying. Thank you all for your kind words and wishes.


These are from the last time I took Stats in about week 9
Weight 65.6 KG
Waist: 28 inches
Hips: 38inches
Bust: 35 inches

AND THESE are today:

Weight 65KG DOWN 0.6kg!
Waist: 27.5inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Hips: 37.5inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Bust: 34.5 inches DOWN HALF AN INCH

So all in all everything is moving in the right direction and now my head is back into it all I am working hard to get to that 61kg.

How has everyone else done?

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm Back Take 2!

Maybe my "I'm Back" post was a little premature! I ended up in hospital yesterday after passing out from blood loss but the whole ordeal is now over and the doc said I can resume exercising. WHOO HOO! I have a triathlon to train for and I have been really latchy putting up my stats recently.

Sunday, if I can persuade Scott I am ok as he is a little protective bless, I will be playing hockey, then next week I really need to get my training back in gear.

How is everyone else doing? A BIG shout out to Sandy who had been doing so well and is loving the lunges and squatting exercises. I have some new ones for you which I will post tomorrow so blow the dust off your dumbells and start flexing your gluts! Its time to step it up a gear to keep those bodies burning.

And another BIG shout out to Tania who has been doing bootcamp 6 days a week and STILL came running round the seawall with me and is also playing hockey tomorrow. You are doing BRILLIANTLY Tania.

If anyone else wants a shout out drop me an email. Anything to keep the motivation and inspiration at a high.

Happy Blitzing!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm Back!

Hi All

Well, I guess I am back! Last week I managed 2 strength sessions, a swim and an 8km run along the sea wall. The exercise definitely helps and as horrible as the past week has been we have to move on. I will post my stats soon but my body is here there and everywhere just now so I am waiting till things are back to normal.

I will be back with some inspiring blogging very soon!

Happy Blitzing!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Little Quiet This Week

Hi all,

I may be a little quiet this week but I will be back soon. You'll remember a few posts back I was comfort eating, well I was pregnant with twins and was told that 1 of them had died. It seems now that neither of them have survived. It was early days so we hadn't told anyone yet, I would be 12 weeks this week or next I think.

I will still be working out as exercise releases endorphins and does make you feel better but while Scott and I regroup and come to terms with the roller coaster of the last few weeks The Belly Blitz may be a little quiet, I'll see how it goes.

As always,

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Hockeytastic Day

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and we won 2-0! I love playing hockey in the sun! I burnt off nearly 700cals in 90mins, and it is a great interval workout AND I LOVE IT! We have 1 game left, just a friendly though, and then a couple of months off. Then summer hockey starts, mixed fun in the sun!

I know I have said this so many times but if you can find a sport or an activity that you absolutely love and look forward to, it is such an easy workout. Throw in a couple of training sessions and a game and you have racked up 2 or 3 interval cardio sessions all for fun with none of the stress.

Happy Blitzing!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank You and More

Just a very quick post to THANK all my followers for your comments and emails, it really makes my day to know that I have helped someone out there find the motivation and inspiration to Blitz their Belly.

PLEASE share the Belly Blitz with your friends, become a follower, spread the word and we will make Blitzing the new craze in the health and fitness world.

Happy Blitzing!

Some New moves

I am going to try some new moves today to switch things up a little, depending how they work I will detail them in here and we can all hurt tomorrow! I also have a hockey game tomorrow so I am not going to do much cardio today as I know I will be running my @ss off for 70minutes and that is more than enough cardio/interval training! It is a lovely day so I will be going for a walk with Lupe and Callum after working out.

Yesterday was a day I was lifting Callum up and down a lot as he is teething and needed some TLC. Today I can really feel it in my arms! Having a baby really is a workout in itself, do any of you find that as well?

Happy Blitzing!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Switching It Up

As I am getting nearer my goal weight I am switching up my workouts even more. I think I need to add in an extra toning/strength training session in for one of my cardio to try and tone up more. I know I am still losing weight but it really has slowed down and I am going to see if I can kick start my body into burning fat faster for the last stretch. Some interval training and some toning. I wish I had some stairs in our house to run up and down. When we lived in China our apartment was the penthouse so I had 9 flights of stairs to run up and down. I used to carry my 10lb weights, one in each hand, and run up and down the stairs. It KILLED but it really did do the trick. I am not going to mess around with my calories too much as I am still breastfeeding and at the end of the day feeding Callum has to take some sort of priority, but it is WHAT you eat as well as HOW MUCH.

So fingers crossed in the next week or so I can report some great weight and inch loss! And let you know what works.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Running advice

I've just been for a 6k run along the  beach with a friend, Callum and the dog. It is such a gorgeous day it was so nice to get out! Our running conversation prompted me to write a blog post.

If you are new to running, go for time instead of distance. Try running or jogging non-stop for 10 minutes, then have a 2 or 3 minute walking break and then run again for 10 minutes if you can. After a couple of runs doing this increase your running time and decrease your break time. You want to aim to run for 20 minutes non stop as your first milestone. You can plan a route using In 20 minutes you should easily be able to do a 3km run. Then you can start either working on your speed or on your distance, which ever you prefer, and increase your 20mins to 30mins or more.

Another great running/interval training technique if you are new to running or want to get back into it is this:
  1. set yourself 10 paces where 1 is a really slow walk and 10 is just above your running comfort level (you are running more or less flat out and can't talk while running)
  2. 2 minutes walking at pace 1 to 2
  3. 2 minutes walking at pace 3 to 4 
  4. 4 minutes walking at pace 5 (This should be a fast power walk with heels on the ground)
  5. 2 minutes jogging at pace 6
  6. 3 minutes jogging at pace 7 to 8
  7. 2 minutes running at pace 9 to 10
  8. 2 minutes jogging at pace 7 to 8
  9. 3 minutes jogging at pace 6
  10. 2 minutes walking at pace 5
  11. 3 minutes walking at pace 3 to 4
  12. 2 minutes walking at pace 1 to 2 (Cool Down)
This is a really simple interval walk/run training but you will be surprised at how it makes you work. Its a 25 minute exercise with a 2 minute cool down. When you feel more accomplished drop levels 1 and 2 and spend more time at levels 7 to 10. Eventually you will be jogging and running like interval training or simply running at a good pace.

Happy Blitzing!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A picture at 10 weeks PP

I found this picture in my work file. I am an equine therapist and one of my clients took some pics, I was about 10 weeks PP I think. CHECK THE BELLY! I still look pregnant! And the bingo wings LOL! Just goes to show that perseverance and patience really goes a long way.


And of course, now: (same pic from a few weeks ago, not taken a new one)

Happy Blitzing!

Week 9: weekly weigh in and stats

By the time I remembered to do my stats yesterday I had already eaten breakfast and had a HUGE mug of tea so had to leave them for today. HOWEVER, my tape measure seems to be missing in action so need to find that.

My weight is 65.4kg which is DOWN 200g (about half a pound). Not a HUGE amount but last week I was comfort eating A LOT. It just goes to show it was what my body was needing to deal with stress and grief and it hasn't affected the scales at all. My clothes are definitely feeling a lot looser which is such a great feeling. When I find my tape measure I will take measurements and post.

All in all, things are still going well. Weight loss has slowed down but it is still moving. Before falling pregnant I was 61kg so another 4kg to go really which is not a lot so my weight loss is bound to slow down.

How is everyone else doing?

Happy Blitzing!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have been thinking about this a lot over the weekend, so much so I decided to write a post about it. Sustainability - in other words is your lifestyle, exercise and diet regime sustainable? I think so, as for me The Belly Blitz lets you do more or less whatever you want, doesn't exclude any food groups and is tailored to your body and your timescales.  I don't feel guilty if I have a glass of wine or a bar of chocolate, I am only human and I want to enjoy life without the guilt trips. It is all about balance as I have said so many times.

The reason I have been thinking this is a variety of people I know are doing different things - no carbs, fat free, no alcohol etc all under one guise or another. But is it really sustainable? Can you see yourself for the rest of your life NEVER having a carb again? Or forever eating fat free and never having that apple pie and ice cream? I  know I can't, and many of these regimes are great, you see results then as soon as you get to where you want to be and start being "normal" again, the weight or the body fat starts creeping up again as your body adjusts back to what normal is.

So I ask again, is your current regime sustainable? If so then FANTASTIC, you have found that balance and can look forward to a healthy and active life, not restricting yourself in terms of food and drink. If not....then maybe it is something to think about. You are more likely to succeed in the long term if what you are doing is easy, doable and fits into a "normal" life.

Happy Blitzing!

Friday, February 26, 2010

The PX90 or P90X craze

I am sure most of you  have heard of this, and for those that haven't, it is basically a 90-day workout and diet routine that has you working out on a different part of your body every day for muscle confusion. One day its back and arms, another day its legs, then it could be yoga, then Cardio etc.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that it is EXACTLY what I have been doing with The Belly Blitz! I only recently heard of P90X as some friends are doing it and it is going really well for them. They are eating more than they would normally as are eating the right requirements for a body that is actively working out, and are mixing up workout routines. It actually made me really happy as this is exaclty what I have been saying in my Belly Blitz blog.
  1. MIX up your workouts so your body doens't get used to doing the same thing all the time
  2. DO a combination of cardio, interval and strength training
  3. DO eat and snack as your body needs fuel, just eat the right things
So maybe one day very soon you will be able to see The Belly Blitz in a bookstore near you!

Happy Blitzing!

Comfort Eating

Morning all. I had some bad news this week, that I won't go into here, but I am a comfort eater. So I have been baking and eating and eating.

However, I am not going to beat myself up about it, or feel guilty or starve myself to compensate. It's my, and maybe the body's, way of dealing with loss, sadness etc. So I will continue to do my workouts and next week with any luck will be back on the calorie count track!

I  just thought it made a good topic in here as I am sure I am not alone in the comfort eating stakes. Do it. Use it to heal or whatever and then  move on. DON'T feel guilty, in the grand scheme of things it is only a few days.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bike Rides and Embarrassment

This will make you laugh. Yesterday I decided to take Callum and Lupe for a bike ride down to the beach. Loops needed a good run and I enjoyed my ride last week. I felt so impressed with myself for unhitching the chariot mechanism off Scott's bike and onto my bike, setting the chariot up for a ride as opposed to a run. Popped Callum into his seat, got the dog ready and off I went. 

MY GOD was it hard work! I must have gone about 2 or 3km, my thighs burning and my lungs about to explode, thinking it's never this hard running with Callum, why would it be hard cycling with him? (This was my first attempt at pulling the chariot). I stopped at the top of a hill, having slogged my way up it, and called Scott, wanting to give him my respect for always pulling the chariot.

"I take it all back," I say to him. "It's not as easy as it looks pulling the chariot." Panting and sweating into the phone...
"Really?" Scott says. "Have you let off the brake?"

THE BRAKE! OH MY GOD how STUPID do I feel!!!!! After feeling so good with myself for setting it all up, I forgot to go back to the chariot and TAKE OFF THE DAMN BRAKE! No wonder my thighs and lungs were burning! SO MUCH EASIER if you take off the brake!

Well, at least I gave myself a REALLY good work out. Scott then told all the guys at work and they all had a good laugh.  No wonder, what a numpty. I'm calling it a blonde moment with a bit of baby brain thrown in for good measure...

Happy Blitzing!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 8: weekly weigh in and stats and some advice on finding the balance.

Ok, first here are my stats:

Weight 65.6 KG DOWN Half a kilo!
Waist: 28 inches
Hips: 38inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Bust: 35 inches UP AN INCH but I think it depends on when I have fed callum, what bra etc as overall my boobs to me seem smaller but hey ho!

Sandy asked some very good questions in a comment in my previous post which I have tried to answer as best I can, it may make interesting reading for some of you.

Something that I do want to stress is losing weight is not an exact science. Like everything, what works for one person may not work for you, that is why we need to be in tune with our body's wants and needs and find the balance that works for us. It may be something as little as an extra 50 calories a day or dropping carbs by 10%. All our bodies process foods and exercise in different ways. If we are a person who has never really exercised, our body then has to work out what it needs to do to fuel this new activity and feed itself so it may take a little while to find that balance but it will happen. For me it took a little while to find what worked for me. I stuck at 71kg for 4 weeks and was getting really disheartened. I stuck to it though, I upped my cardio and dropped the strength training to 4 and 2 sessions, making 2 of my cardio interval training to try and kick start my metabolism again. I also made 1 meal a day pure protein and dropped the carbs (for that meal). I would have a chicken/avocado salad for lunch or an omelette. I still ate carbs, and I still snacked but it worked for me.

Another thing to keep in mind is as your weight decreases, you may need to adjust your calorie intake. When I was heavier, about 77/80kg, I was eating about 2500 cals a day. My body was bigger and it needed more fuel to move around. When I reached 71kg I dropped down to 1800/2000 cals a day. I won't go below 1800 while I am breast feeding but if I was no longer feeding Callum then I would probably drop to 1500/1600 a day at about 65kg. I know weight watchers adjusts the points values you are allowed as you lose weight. A heavier body needs more fuel to move so it makes sense that as you lose weight your calorie requirements lower too.

AND ALWAYS KEEP A DIARY! It really does help, you can look back and see what weeks you really lost weight and what you did and ate in that week. What workouts you did and what foods you ate. Though remember, a workout you did 4 weeks ago may not be enough now so up the intensity to adapt for your new fitness level.

As always, Happy Blitzing!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feeling Human Again

Feeling MUCH better today, WHOO HOO! Though hoovering the house has bathed me in a cold sweat so I need to sit down for a second LOL! I will definitely be back tomorrow with weekly stats maybe some pictures and more workout advice. And T (You KNOW who you are) promised to take workout photos as Scott has been so slack, and yet SHE hasn't come up with the goods yet either.....maybe this week?!

A sneak preview for my stats tomorrow, I just weight myself and I am no longer in the 66.x kg but the 65.x kg C'MON!

Happy Blitzing!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Being Ill Sucks...

After feeling pretty good about missing the bug/virus both Callum and then Scott had, I was hit Thursday night and have been as sick as a dog since then. Temperature spiking to 102deg and just having no energy so needless to say no working out for me! I did take Lupe for a bike ride along the beach during the day on Thursday, how gorgeous is this? makes you WANT to go for a run or a ride.

So this week I think I made it to 2 or 3 workouts. We tried to go for a walk today, just a walk, but  was bathed in sweat and out of breath! Not good! Resting up and seeing how I feel Monday. At least I have had no appetite so eating loads isn't an issue!

Though I should add here, that if you are ill with a virus or bug then working out is the last thing you should be doing.There is a risk that hard cardiovascular work when you have a virus can work the virus round your system fast and you can end up iller than you were before. So REST FLUIDS REST FLUIDS AND REST AND FLUIDS!

I hope to be back to fighting fit Monday for a new week of workouts and exercise.

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The importance of snacking

I cannot stress enough how important it is to snack! Think of your body as a car. If you are going on a  long journey you fill up the car whenever it is nearly empty, not just 3 times. our bodies are the same, when we feel empty we need to fill up so we have the energy to keep going. starving yourself or restricting yourself to just 3 meals is going to leave you hungry, tired and fed up.

You need at least 3 snacks a day, mid morning, mid afternoon and mid evening. I am not saying eat a bagel or a muffin or a cake but something healthy that is going to keep you going. Complex carbs keep you feeling full and release energy slowly, and proteins stop you feeling hungry and crashing.

A great mid morning snack is an apple and a piece of cheese. I use babybels as they are the right portion size and the light version is only 50 cals but it is not the cheapest option. If you have the will power (I don't!) Then buy a block of cheese and slice off a portion size (not quite as big as a match box). I posted a topic in January called great high  protein snacks, it really does have some good ideas for your snacks.

Another thing is try and not leave your workout till last thing at night. You will flood your body with adrenalin and endorphins making it hard to sleep, then you will wake up feeling groggy and lethargic. Yoga at night is great as it unwinds your body but any aerobic activity should be completed by 8pm in my opinion. Then have a long hot shower or even a bath to unwind and help you sleep.

As always...Happy Blitzing!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 7: weekly weigh in and stats

OK, I was getting abuse yesterday for being a bit latchy in getting my stats up...SO HERE THEY ARE!

Weight 66.1KG DOWN 200g (not a lot but enough! nearly half a pound)
Waist: 28 inches
Hips: 38.5 inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Bust: 34 inches DOWN 1 INCH

So still going in the right direction which is good. My jeans are starting to feel loose around my bum too which is great, its all those lunges! And I was paid a very nice compliment yesterday that my tummy looked great for having children, it made my day!

How has everyone else got on? I am not working out today as I have some horses to work on and that is a mini workout in itself! But I am picking up my yoga again to help with my flexibility and toning.

Happy Blitzing!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I seem to be apologising a lot recently! My wee man has not been well. He has had a virus this week coupled with teething and a cough = no sleep for me and a hard time working out! I have managed 2 runs, a bit of a walk and a workout so not all bad but all I want to do right now is curl up in bed and sleep for about 12 hours!

I will see how the stats go tomorrow though I swear I can see some belly definition from all the core work, C'MON!

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, I was  meant to have my fitness class today but running yesterday with Lupe I pulled my hamstring/glut. She saw a squirrel and went in one direction, I yanked her back and fell off the curb, pulling my muscle, nice! have been resting it today as I am meant to be running with my "stalker" tomorrow so we will see how it goes.

Happy Blitzing!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Running and Workout Advice

I was chatting to a friend today who also has recently had a baby but used to be really fit. (we both played hockey, running etc) and through chatting I found we used the same method that I thought I would share.

If you are running on a treadmill or outside or working out in general and you get to that point that you want to stop and take a break, run harder and faster or add some incline, do an extra set of reps if working out, even if just for a couple of minutes, and then drop down to the intensity level you WERE doing when you felt tired and it will feel like you have had a break! Its all in the mind and it fools your body to work harder, increasing your fitness and fat burning abilities.

So go get running!

Happy Blitzing!

Week 6: weekly weigh in and stats

I was getting abuse yesterday from a certain someone for not blogging my weekly stats so here they are! Better late than never...

Weight: 66.3kg DOWN 0.5 KG
Waist: 28inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Hips: 39 inches
Bust: 35 inches

All good and happy with that! All going in the right direction and still on a high that MY FAVOURITE TED BAKER JEANS now fit WHOO HOO!

And some tummy pics.....definitley getting there! Love handles and muffin tops are DISAPPEARING!


Happy Blitzing!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Keeping a Journal

I wanted to share a little bit of advice that I find helps me a lot. Its keeping a journal of my workouts.

I wear a heart rate monitor to keep a track of my heart rate and the different zones I am in. I write these down in my diary/journal noting what I have done, how long for and my max/avg heart rate. This way looking back I can see my fitness progress as well as my weight loss progress.

For example, today at hockey I only burnt 620 odd calories and I ran around more than I used to. My first game back in October I burnt nearly 1000 calories and I didn't run nearly as much. This tells me I have really increased my fitness as my body is coping better with the aerobic and interval work.its just another milestone won and gives you the boost and encouragement to keep going.

Happy Blitzing!

Week 6 Recap...

Well, that is my 6th week over and I am feeling good. My favourite jeans fit me again, my old hockey skort fits me again and I am starting to feel more like me. Still a long way to go, the excess belly skin and fat is still there but all going in the right direction. Having a baby is HARD!

I know I keep promising this but Scott WILL take pics of some of the workouts this week. Callum is just over 14lbs so he is a good weight and he loves when I use him.

Last week I think was a well needed break after nearly 5 months of working out but this week has definitely been easier. 

Tomorrow is weigh in and stats...eek!

Happy Blitzing!


Of the field variety! I am playing hockey today and am SO excited. It is such a great work out, and I know it works pretty much every muscle in my body and gives a really good cardio and interval work out. I know in the USA, field hockey isn't too popular but you can join a soccer team, volleyball, basketball...anything really. The friends you make with the camaraderie and banter keep you going and it becomes an easy regular way to work out. It also gives you a reason to do other fitness to improve your form on the field.

Happy Blitzing!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A little fat burning tip

There is a well known spice we ALL have in our cupboards at home that helps regulate insulin levels which in turn helps our bodies to burn fat by regulating sugar levels.

And what is this miracle little spice I hear you all ask...CINNAMON! But that is not an excuse to go and eat a cinnamon bun every day.

It is a great antioxidant as well as other things and what I normally do is first thing in the morning and maybe twice throughout the day, instead of a cup of tea or coffee I have a slice of lemon with boiling water and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Its a great start to the day and helps flush out your system. Try it for a week and see how much better you feel! It is also great to add to cereal etc instead of sugar as it is naturally sweet.

Happy Blitzing!


Well, I went for a 5k run today with Lupe and Callum and I enjoyed it so much! I think last week my body was really asking for a rest to regroup and recuperate because this week I feel so much better and looking forward to my workouts again. I am a BIG believer in listen to what your body wants, in terms of food and in terms of rest and exercise.


This is the beach I run along in Vancouver, how can you NOT enjoy this? A nice cool day but the sun is out and when you get home your face has that rosey glow and your muscles are nice and achy. Superb!
Strength training tomorrow and then I have a hockey game on a GREAT week!

Happy Blitzing!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Intentions and a Spanner Called Lupe

Hi folks,

Well, today I had ALL good intentions to go for a run or have a row. However, this was hindered by my dog. Lupe is, shall we say, peeing out of her bottom! Not sure if it is something she has eaten, food or some sort of parasite but it isn't pretty! She even messed her bed last night which is so unlike her and she has been very lethargic all day. So I have been juggling Callum and having to take the dog outside every 5 minutes to go toilet, NICE! I have had a very poo filled day!

After a trip to the vets, some antibiotics and new food fingers crossed we will be going for a run tomorrow, then working out saturday and hockey sunday and my week will be complete!

Happy Blitzing!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Circuit Training

Hello all you Blitzers. I am definitely back, with motivation! Today I went to circuit training...I had forgetten two things:

                 1-   How much I LOVE circuit training 


                 2-  How much it hurts!
    I have been working out for 4 months now and apart from some games of hockey I have stopped hurting after a workout as my body is pretty used to what I am doing. Tonight is the first time in a while that my muscles have that nice warm achy feel. It hurts to raise my arms and it hurts to lift my legs but it is ALL good!

    This just PROVES you need to mix it up. Our bodies are such versatile vessels it doesn't take them long to get into a routine and get used to the things we do. In turn, the more accustomed to something we are the less benefit it has for us.

    SO MIX IT UP PEOPLE to keep your body burning fat and your metabolism raised.


    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Week 5: weekly weigh in and stats

    First of all apologies for not blogging yesterday and generally being lame last week. I did force myself to do 4 workout sessions, 1 of which was a long family walk on Sunday. In the week I burnt off 1,180 cals according to my monitor but I haven't gone through it to get each individual workout summary.

    We had a big party for burns night on saturday with lots of food and booze so I was a little worried stepping on the scales monday morning.

    HOWEVER....I did manage to lose 0.2kg (about half a pound!) AND my favourite Ted Baker jeans slid on saturday so I am SOOOO happy! They are a UK 10/CAN 6 so happy happy HAPPEEEEEEEE!

    Stats -
    Weight: 66.8kg 147lbs DOWN HALF A POUND
    Waist: 28.5in DOWN 0.5 INCH
    Bust: 35
    Hips: 39

    Slowly getting there and motivation seems to be coming back. How has everyone else done?

    Happy Blitzing!

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    What's going on?!

    Well, I did manage a 40min workout and then I took the dog for a walk down the beach. Didn't enjoy it as much as I normally do though, what is going ON! Maybe the other poster was right (fitz, was that you?! LOL) And my body just needs a break. I may try some yoga tomorrow as that always makes me feel nice and chilled.

    Also been making shortbread and tablet for my burns supper saturday night....YUMMMMMMMMM

    Happy Blitzing!


    I am struggling for motivation this week, not quite sure why! I did force myself to row yesterday and have a workout which I did enjoy but again today I am looking for any excuse not to have to. I know we ALL have days like this.

    I will let you know how the day spans out!

    Happy Blitzing!

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010


    A couple of days off and I am low on motivation! I am FORCING myself to go to my Fit-4-2 class with Callum and also do some rowing. I know I will feel so much better for it and will even enjoy it but it is amazing how easily we can drop out of our routines.

    I know I have said this before but I am saying it again. The IDEA of doing something is quite often worse than the actual doing. We think about it and procrastinate and end up dreading the doing, where as if we just put our mind to it and get it over and done with it really is less painful!

    Doing something for 21 days becomes a routine and our bodies are then trained for it. So for 21 days stick it out and it does get easier.

    Happy Blitzing!!!

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    Lazy Day

    I have been really lazy today and done....NOTHING! I did walk the dog and walk to the shops but in the working out department a BIG FAT ZERO! No excuse really just felt really lethargic. Callum has had a bad cough and cold and has been up most of the nights and I have been too tired to motivate myself.

    I feel awful now! Its amazing how you get used to exercising and doing something that I feel really sluggish not doing anything. I will have to make up for it tomorrow! Now where did I put my beer.....

    Happy Blitzing!

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    Week 4: Weekly Weigh in and Stats

    Morning all!

    A quick recap of last week seeing as I missed it last night and then the dreaded weigh in and stats.

    Mon: Magazine workout, 30mins 153 cals burnt
    Wed: Rowing 20mins 168cals and Fit for 2 class, 1hr, 329cals
    Thurs: Run 1hr 464cals
    Fri: Mag work out 40mins, 160cals
    Sat: Hockey 1hr49 821cals
    Sun: horse work, 2hrs30 262cals

    A total weekly calorie burn of 2,357cals so not a bad week at all!

    And now for the stats......EEK! After my little hiccup on wednesday, or whenever it was, when I was caught by the pull of the bathroom scales the week has not been too bad.

    Weight: 66.9kg (147lbs) DOWN A POUND
    Waist: 29inches NO CHANGE
    Bust: 35inches NO CHANGE
    Hips: 39inches DOWN 1 INCH!

    I think my weight loss has slowed down from 2lbs a week to 1lb a week as I near my goal weight and build and tone muscle but I am happy with that. An inch off my hips is great! I wonder if I can lose 1kg/2lbs this week though to be on track, we will have to find out! I am not going to do anything drastic as the most important thing is to keep my milk supply up for Callum and stay healthy.

    How did everyone else do this week?

    Happy Blitzing!