Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 12: weekly weigh in and stats

At least I think it is week has been a while and I do apologise. I am back though for sure this time. It has just been a roller coast of a few weeks finding we had lost the babies and then finally miscarrying. Thank you all for your kind words and wishes.


These are from the last time I took Stats in about week 9
Weight 65.6 KG
Waist: 28 inches
Hips: 38inches
Bust: 35 inches

AND THESE are today:

Weight 65KG DOWN 0.6kg!
Waist: 27.5inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Hips: 37.5inches DOWN HALF AN INCH
Bust: 34.5 inches DOWN HALF AN INCH

So all in all everything is moving in the right direction and now my head is back into it all I am working hard to get to that 61kg.

How has everyone else done?

Happy Blitzing!


  1. Hey! At last! :D

    Ok, here are my stats for this week, I just bought a meter and started measuring my waist and hips, so here is goes:

    weight: 72.5kg

    waist: 92cm
    hips: 104cm
    bust: 104cm

    Wish me luck :)

  2. You are amazing Amy...and my hero!!!

  3. Way to go Sandy! When I first posted my stats seeing it in black and white made it more real and it does give you a boost in motivation.

    Cheers Tania LOL! :o)
