Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 1 - No time like the present

The idea with this blog is to follow a normal person on the quest to tighten, tone, shrink and squeeze without the tools available to Hollywood A-Listers, not even a gym membership. If anyone out there has secrets they would like to share then I am MORE then receptive to comments and handy hints. To date I have been following the principle of anything is better than nothing, and if I get it done in the morning I don't dwell on it all day! People say if you do something regularly for 30 days it becomes routine.

I try and do 6 sessions a week, varying cardio and strength training. It all sounds very professional but a session consists of me dragging myself off the sofa into the spare room where I have a set of dumbells, a pilates ball and a yoga matt.

Instead of waiting till the new year, TODAY is the day I continue with The Belly Blitz.

Have you ever bought a fitness magazine, lured by the promise of dropping a jeans size in 2 weeks or losing 10 pounds by the end of the month? But all the models they use could do with increasing a jeans size and have perfectly sculpted and airbrushed bods.

Well, yesterday I was snared by the promise to lose 10, 15, 20 pounds in the new year by one such magazine and I gave in, succumbed to temptation and spent the evening flicking through the pages and losing motivation by the second at the sight of gorgeous toned tanned lean bodies.

So...as added motivation to my current fitness plan I am going to follow the magazine TO THE LETTER and see if it really does do as it claims. By my reckoning I have another 10lbs to lose at least, inches to erase from the child bearing hips and the jelly belly left by the apple of my eye.

If I follow their routine 3 times a week, along with 2 cardio sessions and a healthy eating plan (bare in mind I am breast feeding so I have to stick to at least 1,800 cals a day) they promise me I will lose AT LEAST 10 pounds in a month, and 20 pounds in 3 months, with NO gym, NO fitness trainer and for the most part not even wearing a pair of trainers.

Today I popped Callum in his jolly jumper, gooing drooling and giggling away, while I sweated and sweated through 30mins of pain. My heart rate rarely got above 160bpm and I burnt less calories than I would normally in a workout (I wear a heart rate monitor) but now, 9 hours later, my arms and legs are burning. Perhaps so far so good?

I will dig out some pre pregnancy pics, some before pics and some now pics to mark the progress.

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