Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The beginning...or rather half way through

Welcome to the Belly Blitz! An on going blog of a REAL person with a REAL life battling the post pregnancy bulge.

I gave birth 4 months ago and since then I have lost 14kg (31lbs) with still more to go. I don't have a gym membership, I don't have a personal trainer and I am by far not some skinny lean fit person. All I have is a baby and some motivation. I have been asked recently by friends what is my secret so I thought I would share and post my progress in a blog.

I'm 5ft6 (167cm), currently 151lbs (68.5kg) and trying to fit in exercise into a hectic new baby juggling routine.

A wee bit of background:

For the last 2 years we have lived in China. After some scary hospital experiences we decided to leave Wuhan and move to Vancouver...no job, no visa but it seemed like a great place to live and halfway between both families. (I'm Scottish, other half is a Kiwi)

Summer 2008 I embarked on a mission to get fit. After a mix of running, weights and yoga I was at my fittest and lightest at 61kg. Then after a tequila fueled fun filled evening we discovered I was pregnant. Fast forward to 29 weeks pregnant and preterm labour. I was put on bed rest, or as I prefer to call it "House Arrest". A combination of not allowed to be on my feet for more than 20 minutes, benny's bagels, cinnamon buns, cheesecake, cheesecake and cheesecake, I put on 22kg (nearly 50lbs) by the time I gave birth at 35 weeks. With a baby of only 5lbs the other 45lbs were ALL mine.

I don't have time to go to the gym and with a new born it is hard to fit it in. I am breast feeding so I can't cut too many calories so how to lose the jelly belly?

Purchase essential, and cheap, workout equipment - 10lb weights, pilates ball, yoga matt, tension chord thingy and a willing baby, preferably with a clean nappy!

For the first few weeks I would squeeze in 30min strength training workouts while Callum was sleeping and going for walks with the peanut shell or the stroller. When he was old enough running with the chariot and the dog and using Callum in my workouts. He is a GREAT weight to hold while lunging and squatting and he loves it. I lie him on the floor and do pushups over him and try and incorporate him into a workout and recently he jumps around in his Jolly Jumper while I stretch, tone, sweat and swear.

Today I am calling the midway point, I will update and blog my blood sweat and tears.
Bust: 37 inches
Waist: 31 and a half inches
Hips: 41 inches
Weight: 151 lbs

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