Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 3 - retraining your hunger

Well, this is the start of week 3. I lost another 0.6kg this week which is about 1.5lbs. Slowly coming off. I am not exercising as hard as I did after Callum due to the arthritis but I am trying to do SOMETHING every day, and this time round my maximum calorie intake is 1,600 a day where as last time it was 1,800 a day.

I have noticed that even if I have eaten, and I know I am not "hungry" I still want to eat more. I don't NEED more but my body and mind are used to eating more and it is easy to confuse and mistake that "over stuffed" feeling with just feeling satisfied. I am calling this "retraining your hunger". I know I am not hungry but I have gotten so used to feeling FULL FULL FULL that it is hard to get back to being sensible. So now, after a meal when I think I still feel hungry I make myself wait. I go and do something else to take my mind off it and make a cup of tea.

It is common knowledge that your brain often mixes up thirsty with hungry so make sure you are all drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.

I will be back with some new moves and grooves soon!


1 comment:

  1. A cup of tea helps me out, too! Sometimes it helps just to have something to sip at.
