Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Infections, arthritis and hospitals

Hello blitzers. Yet another apology for not updating my blog but I have a VERY good excuse....

My Csection incision was infected but deep down so you couldn't actually tell. To cut a LONG story short, over a period of a week I went from normal Amy, but a little sore, to not being able to walk or move, a temperature of 40deg and a heart rate of 140bpm. The infection had been running rampant for over 4 weeks, attacking my muscles and joints and as a result I also have Septic Arthritis.

A 10 day hospital stay, a further week of IV antibiotics at an IV clinic and another 2 weeks of oral antibiotics! Unfortunately I will have the arthritis for 6 to 9  months so my training regime is on the back burner.

I am still calorie counting and I will slowly be getting back into walking and yoga etc as my doctor says I can but it has been a very scary few weeks. When I can walk with no pain I may start blitzing again!!!

In the meant time I WILL post diet information etc but the belly blitzing will wait till at least January when i see my internal medicine specialist again.

Happy Blitzing!


  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is a severe, multi-system, and inflammation related autoimmune condition that could trigger an attack to the joints. It is an extremely severe and hurtful condition that can cause loss of mobility due to the pain and joint damage.

  2. Hey Sheiler! Sorry to hear about the infection... I've had my baby now and am just in that early post-partum recovery stage, so maybe you and I will be able to start working out slowly again over the next few months.

    I have started to do very some very gentle exercises, like the one where you pull your abdominal muscles in towards your spine and hold it (my muscles are so floppy right now!), or some pelvic tilts. And Kegels!

    I haven't gone out for any walks yet, but I really should start to do that. My baby is 9 days old today! I think I would go for a walk without him... it's so cold outside.

    We'll take baby steps.

  3. Congratulations. Hope you are getting better.
    Seasons Greetings.
    G.W., Alkabir

  4. GRAHAM! Is that you?! Please email me!!!!
