Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Infections, arthritis and hospitals

Hello blitzers. Yet another apology for not updating my blog but I have a VERY good excuse....

My Csection incision was infected but deep down so you couldn't actually tell. To cut a LONG story short, over a period of a week I went from normal Amy, but a little sore, to not being able to walk or move, a temperature of 40deg and a heart rate of 140bpm. The infection had been running rampant for over 4 weeks, attacking my muscles and joints and as a result I also have Septic Arthritis.

A 10 day hospital stay, a further week of IV antibiotics at an IV clinic and another 2 weeks of oral antibiotics! Unfortunately I will have the arthritis for 6 to 9  months so my training regime is on the back burner.

I am still calorie counting and I will slowly be getting back into walking and yoga etc as my doctor says I can but it has been a very scary few weeks. When I can walk with no pain I may start blitzing again!!!

In the meant time I WILL post diet information etc but the belly blitzing will wait till at least January when i see my internal medicine specialist again.

Happy Blitzing!